
You are just a waiter

BBC Newsのサイトで、フィンランド出身の指揮者エサ=ペッカ・サロネンの記事を見かけました。ロンドンのフィルハーモニア管弦楽団(The Philharmonia Orchestra)の首席指揮者で、作曲家でもあります。

"Esa-Pekka Salonen: 10 tips to becoming a conductor"
  By Alison Feeney-Hart
  30 November 2013

4. Accept that you are just a waiter 
The composer is the chef and conductors are the waiters. Both are totally honourable professions but we have to accept that if I conduct a piece by Beethoven, I'm just a waiter. I might be head waiter, but waiter none the less and I am there to make sure the food comes to the table on time and intact.

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